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In August 2015 I joined the VISUAL SCIENCE OF ART CONFERENCE in Liverpool with Utrecht University to talk about our latest research experiment in visual perception. The Conference was a very interesting and inspiring experience.

There is a growing interest in studying interactions between perception and art website link. An increasing number of publications and meetings have encouraged researchers, scholars and artists to gather together as a community that can cooperate, discuss and develop new scientific perspectives

In 2012 the Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC) emerged as an academic conference, organised by Baingio Pinna. The first VSAC was a satellite meeting to the 36th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) held in Sardinia, Italy. It was followed by the second VSAC in Belgrade in 2014.

In 2015 we welcome participants to a satellite meeting on the Visual Science of Art (VSAC). VSAC welcomes all kinds of work and approaches, from phenomenological to biological and computational, exploring the link between the science of perception and the arts. It also includes studies that might suggest new ideas and new findings useful for the experimental foundation of a Science of Art.




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