Before the selfie was a common way of making pictures, I already made pictures of myself in windows, mirrors etc. I was fascinated to watch and observe reflections of myself.
I discovered the characteristics and differences between different type of views. For instance when I observe myself in front of a mirror I see myself in reverse and half smaller than in reality, but I look at a three-dimensional image which makes it able to move and focus on different parts of my body. In this way – sitting in front of a mirror – I made several self-portraits with paint on canvas or charcoal on paper. A proces which takes a lot of concentration, skills and time.
The selfies I make with a digital camera and my mobile phone are different. These are made from a fixed viewing point in space and the result is an image of one single fixed moment in time. It takes a second to make it and the results are fascinating. I can explore all varieties caused by changes in light conditions, unconscious emotions, effects of captured material and so on.
I like to travel on my own. Selfies make it possible to see myself in the environment I am travelling through. Life is variable and fleeting and these pictures are the only tangible evidence that I was there and then. Already for a long time I do it and ever since I made thousands of selfies. I am happy with my pictures, very happy that I have these documents of time. People call me the “Selfie Queen”, I am not sure if its meant as a compliment. Last week when somebody said, “you could make an exhibition of all your selfies” my first reactions were feelings of embarrassment. But brave and proud as I am, I defended myself by giving the explanation that “I have to photograph myself because there is nobody around who does this for me”. And it’s the truth, it’s giving me a tool to see myself as the other; not in reverse and from multiple viewing points like in front of the mirror.
In fact it’s adding a total new point of view in the range of possibilities to get an idea about oneself because I the other is myself. Looking at myself and communicating with myself is a thing I really like to do for as long as I remember. I do not know why, I always did and I never asked somebody for understanding, although I presume a lot of people will understand.
So I decided to take it for what it is, I can make an exhibition of my selfies. Thats what I did on this page: I made a combination of pictures made by others and my self (ies).